5 Helpful Tips To Find A Stylist - SalonBrazyl %
Trying to find a stylist in Tampa? Salon Brazyl offers a range of hair services for all hair types from an experienced stylist.
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5 Helpful Tips To Find A Stylist

Find a stylist in tampa bay, tish hankerson owner of salon brazylTrying to find a stylist is a major #struggle. Women either end up not going to the salon or settling with someone that they are not completely sold on. Finding a stylist should be fun, and it can be when you know what to look for.

Tish Hankerson, owner of Salon Brazyl, has spent her life around hair stylists, learning good habits, talking about her business, and teaching other young professionals. During her time as a student, stylist, and mentor, she’s noticed a pattern of the qualities exhibited by experienced stylists, qualities like good communication, time-efficiency, selectivity, professionalism, and passion. Trying to find a stylist starts here. We have been in the business of hair for a long time, and there are some amazing stylists out there that just might make you say yes to the [silk] press.


In this electronic era, the easiest way to communicate is online. No one picks up the phone anymore – or even knows where they put the phone widget. So many times you end up booking with your stylist through text with no consultation or questions about your hair type. When looking for a new stylist, communication comes first. Do they take time to call you, set up an appointment, ask questions about your hair (health, type, etc.); if you answered yes, then that’s a good place to start. Communication is key to achieving your best look, so start there.

Time Efficient

If time is money, then your stylist owes you a refund. Often they will have you waiting for hours on end. What was supposed to be a 60-minute hairstyle quickly turns into an all-day ordeal. If there are multiple clients there at the same time, you can forget getting out of the salon on time – or possibly even getting in. If you happen to get in, you may be banished to sit under a dryer for an undetermined amount of time. Your hair may come out great, but it should, given the time that it took to get there. In the end, a stylist that does not value your time, will not value your hair. Find a stylist who sets appointments and keeps them; someone who will get you in and out of the chair in a reasonable amount of time, or is apologetic when things do go array.


Sometimes you have specific parameters about your own hair – a certain length, color, style – and you should find a stylist who is willing to help you achieve a glamorous look. However, that might sometimes mean gradually lightening your hair and not just bleaching it all at once, or trimming your ends (you’ll see even more growth, we promise). You end up learning more about your hair, and how to care for it yourself. You should be able to get the style that you want in a healthy way. Be picky with your hair, and find someone who will see your vision and help you get there in a healthy and educational way.


Your stylist should be legitimate and professional. Does your stylist have an online presence via social media or website?  While an online presence is not a requirement, it is certainly a standard to set when looking for your next stylist. Look for someone who is upfront about their work, location, and payment policies. If your stylist is not being transparent with you, then it’s time to hit the yellow pages. (Find us under S for Salon Brazyl).


Find a stylist that makes you feel like you are their priority during your appointment, and will always keep you ahead of the curve; that wants to try innovative things on your hair, or is always up on the latest in beauty news. Make sure your stylist is passionate about what they do and that they are inspired every time they do your hair. Passion breeds innovation, creativity, and healthy hair.

When it comes to looking for a new stylist, these are qualities that will set the cutting edge apart. Before you start, do your research on your local hair stylists. Research will help you find a stylist that fits your needs. Be open to going up to women with beautiful, healthy hair to ask them their secrets. Women empowering other women through hair care and self-love is actual #hairgoals.
