Salon Culture

As a black woman, you’ve undoubtedly gotten a relaxer at some point or have been pressured by someone you know – and possibly someone you don’t know – to get a relaxer. To perm, or not to perm, that is the question, especially within the...

Somewhere along the line, salons became the place to go mainly for specific styles and chemical services rather than natural hair care and maintenance. You go to the dentist twice a year for cleanings and to check on your oral health even though you brush...

YAY! You booked a salon appointment for this Saturday, and you’re really going to treat yourself. Now you get to wake up, roll out of bed, and go get the spa treatment you deserve – well, almost. While you definitely get to be pampered during...

Perhaps one of the most infamous debates within the hair community is whether to maintain natural hair or get a relaxer. At Salon Brazyl, we service both natural and relaxed clients with the goal of helping you achieve your healthiest head of hair through education...

If you’re looking to become a barber, interior designer, auctioneer or talent agent in Florida, then there’s never been a better time than now – or a few months from now. In January 2019, Florida Governor Ron Desantis gathered the licensing boards for more than 17 different fields to...

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