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Want fun, carefree, Florida hair but feel like you don’t have the right hair type? NEWSFLASH: there is no such thing as the “right hair type.” There are so many ways to achieve sleek and lively hair. Two styles that Salon Brazyl recommends for women...

Many of us can go years without changing a thing. But sometimes we feel the overwhelming desire to switch it up, to keep it fresh, so the first place we look for change is our hair. However, we do not always want to make a...

Shopping for hair products can be extremely taxing at times. There are so many options out there, and narrowing it down is hard to do.  Gone are the days where we slathered any kind of hair grease on our scalp, thus clogging our pores and...

As summer comes to an end, we are greeted with cooler weather and busy, school-time schedules - neither of which is ideal for maintaining healthy, growing hair. So, for as long as I can remember, women have been putting their hair away for the winter...

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