6 Reasons Your Natural Hair is Dry | 5 Ways to Fix it

You want the shine and bounce of healthy, moisturized curls, but it seems like no matter how many oils, creams and leave-ins you layer, your hair won’t hold onto the moisture. Dry hair can lead to breakage from brittle ends, stunt your hair growth, increase frizz and take the life out of your curls. It can take a lot of trial and error to determine what works best for your hair – which is why it’s called a hair journey. We’re discussing reasons your hair may be drying out and steps you can take to achieve fully nourished tresses. 

Reasons your hair might be dry:

Your hair may be losing moisture for a number of reasons – some of which may be out of your control. However, identifying the contributing factor may help you turn your hair health around.

Your hair porosity

In our previous blog post, we discussed how your hair’s porosity can affect the way the strands accept and retain moisture. Low porosity hair has a hard time taking in moisture leading to dry hair but retains it well once it enters the hair shaft. High porosity hair freely accepts moisture but also loses it quickly which can dry out strands. 

Read more about discovering your hair’s porosity here.

The weather

You know that your hair responds to the weather (re: the big poof during humidity). Even low-humidity, sunny days can affect your hair. The sun and other summer activities like swimming can dry out your mane. On the other hand, transitioning from the harsh cold of winter into overheated buildings significantly dehydrate your curls. 

Using the wrong hair products

Many products labeled as “natural” actually contain chemicals that strip your hair of oils. While they may work for a while, over time, your hair can experience extreme damage. When shopping for products, avoid parabens and sulfates as well as these other harmful chemicals.

Heat styling

Consistently pressing and blow-drying on high heat may dry out your hair and fry your curls.

Product build-up

Without a regular clarifying shampoo, protein and thick creams can build up and sit atop your strands. This stops your hair from accepting the moisture and nourishment it needs.

Not getting trims regularly

Split ends not only cause breakage, tangles, and damage, but they also reduce your hair’s ability to retain moisture. Typically, your ends will be extremely dry when you need a trim which shows throughout your entire head.

5 Ways to Bring Shine and Moisture to Dry hair

1.Find the right ingredients

Not only should you avoid certain products but you also want to look for specific ingredients. Water should be one of the first two ingredients in your leave-in conditioner, especially for low porosity hair. Your hair will more readily accept moisture with a water-based product.

Implement the LOC method – leave-in, oil, then cream. Stick to natural oils and creams like shea butter, avocado oil or argan oil to lock in the moisture you’ve added to your hair.

2. Get regular trims

You may think you’re hanging onto your length, but dead ends could actually mean drier hair. A trim may be just the thing to bring life back to your strands. Go for a trim at least every 6 weeks to 2 months, but consult with your stylist for a more accurate schedule. 

3. Protect your hair at night

Sleep with a silk or satin pillowcase or bonnet. This material reduces friction and doesn’t absorb the oils from your hair like cotton and other fabrics.

4. Deep condition regularly

Deep conditioning, treatments or hair masks add a boost of nourishment and shine to dry, dehydrated curls. Heat it up by sitting under the dryer or employing the plastic bag method. Heat will open the cuticle and work the product into your hair shaft. 

5. Avoid heat styling

Give your hair a break from high heat. Choose to do alternative styling for a while to give your strands a rest and allow some time for your hair accept all the nourishment you’re adding.

Finding the right routine and products for your hair can be difficult, and the blogs, videos and advice coming from all corners of the internet leave you feeling more confused than when you logged on. Booking a consultation and sitting down with a professional stylist can help you find individualized answers for your hair. Just like you’d visit a trainer to take your workout to the next level, level up on your hair game with a visit to Salon Brazyl.

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